
What is a framework in programming

So you are wondering what is a framework in a programming language. For some, this topic is complicated and confusing. But In this article, I will explain it in the simplest way possible.

What is a framework in programming:-

Before knowing about what is a framework in coding language. Let's understand what is a framework first. The framework is a collection of software libraries. That are intended to perform specific tasks. It is used by programmers to build applications and websites. 

In other words, frameworks are a set of tools that are pre-build to create software. 

Creating software can be done in two ways. One is to write the codes from scratch. And the other is by using a framework.

Development Frameworks are built on top of the programming languages. All the standards of the language remain intact. Whether you use frameworks or not.

Why do we use frameworks in Programming?

1.Time and Cost-efficient

It saves a lot of time for developers by not writing the same codes again. The code reusability also helps to focus on other aspects of development. And not to worry about the generic tasks which are of low value.

2.Upgradability and maintainability

By using any frameworks in any application. It’s always easy to upgrade as the language upgrades. Additionally, adaptations to the upgraded versions are easy for developers. So in that manner maintenance can be done by the same team.

3.Simplify and standardized

All frameworks are built to perform certain tasks. So the task is simplified and easier for learning and development. Additionally, it also gives us the surety that the application is a business complaint.

What does a programming framework consist of?

A framework generally includes programs and compilers. It also includes libraries, tools, and APIs (Applications Programming Interface). Furthermore, you can add more codes to the frameworks to increase capabilities.

Additionally, it also combines features protocols, and standards. Moreover, these features connect all the different components for system development.

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What are the different types of programming frameworks?

1. Modular Framework
2. Data-Driven Framework
3. Keyword Driven Framework
4. Hybrid Framework
5. Modular Testing Framework

Frameworks Vs Libraries:-

Some unique frameworks features that distinguish them from programming libraries:

1. Inversion of control: In a framework, unlike in libraries.  The program flow of control is done by the framework itself.
2. Default behavior: A framework has a default behavior, which is useful to some extent.
3. Extensibility: A framework can be extended by overriding existing code for specific capabilities.
4. Non-modifiable code: The framework code should not be modified. Users can extend the framework, but should not modify its original code.

List of Frameworks in programming:-

Frameworks are commonly used in web developments. Some most popular once according to Github are as follows:


React is a javascript library as well as a framework. Created to build an interface for web applications. And another purpose was to manage data that changes over time.

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framework in programming language

It is a framework build for Javascript in PHP. Especially to handle large web applications in real-time. In many cases, nodeJS acts as an open-source web development framework. Not to mention it facilitates developers with rapid and structured development.


top framework

Similarly bootstrap is an Html/CSS framework. It is highly used by professionals to create front-end/UI development.


Framework defination

It is an open-source javascript framework. Created to build applications using MVC. The current build is version 4 which is very powerful than the last versions.

Final words

In conclusion, I hope now you know what is a framework in programming. Frameworks are good for the development of websites and applications.

But it’s not mandatory to use especially for beginners. They should take the long route and try to create projects from scratch.

Furthermore, this is crucial for any developer. To know the foundations of any language. Before diving straight into different complex Frameworks.
