
9 Possible Reasons Why You’re Getting Weak Cell Signal

There has never been a period of time in which the notion of connectivity is more resonant as in the present. The weak cell phone signal has been a hindrance to many even though more towers are put up and the cell phone signal capability is improved.

As many are vexed with unanswered calls, latency and lack of audio clarity, there has to be an answer to help. It is even more important particularly in rural areas to know the reasons why you may experience a weak cell signal and the remedies available to enhance connectivity.

1. Greater Distance From Cellular Towers

One of the greatest contributors to weak cell signals is the geographical distance of the cell phone from the carrier tower. The cell towers act as both a receiver and transmitter signaling from and to the carry and the cell phone. Further distances are likely to bring about more latency, more dropped calls and disconnections.

This type of signal loss is more prevalent in rural areas, where there may not be a cellular tower within sight or even miles away from it. On the other hand, cities can also be a part of such disconnection areas due to buildings and other block factors. Companies like weboost are able to improve your cellular signal thereby enhancing the use of your cell phone.

Apps can indicate the location of the closest cell tower available. Distance awareness can also provide clue on the things one can do in order to enhance the cell signal strength. A cell signal strength is the measure of how good the connection is for a mobile phone and its various functions.

2. Constructive Materials Blockages

Building materials blocks are another bane for urbanized places. Most apartments or homes have thick brick, steel or concrete walls which act as barriers to cellular signals. At times, these materials can be so thick that no cell phone signal can penetrate the building. Another example are energy-efficient windows.

If you face this everyday problem, it helps to move closer to a window or a door while using the mobile phone. Amplifiers can be installed to magnify the signal within the confines of your house or office, therefore no matter where you are while using your telephone, you will not have connectivity problems.

3. Landforms, Vegetation and Other Physical obstructions

These signal barriers are naturally like the physical obstructions, and therefore cell phone signals are weakened because of natural obstructions which cannot be blocked all the time. Great mountains, hilly landscapes as well as tall timber can stand on the path of signal radiation. This problem is likely to be more experienced in the country, particularly if one resides or works in the hills or thick forest.

To rectify a particular issue, some individuals relocate to a location that is at a greater height which in turn facilitates a stronger cellular signal. A cell phone signal booster can help if this is not an option. Such devices boost the reception of communication from the nearest cell, thereby amplifying it and improving the communication.

4. Increased Network Traffic

Another common problem which causes connection speeds to be sluggish is high network traffic. Too many users using the same cell phone tower at the same time causes a slowdown in speed, dropped calls, and failure to connect. Network traffic’s problem is present in regions that are heavy population.

You can eliminate this problem by connecting to Wi-fi when you need to make a call or use data when in a crowded area. If the Wi-fi option is not available, signal boosters will need to be used so that the area will have an increase in both the tower and the signal sent to your cell phone. Sometimes, people may have to move to an area where there are few people to use a cell phone.

5. Other Device Interference

Other electronic devices can interfere with your cell phone connectivity. For example, wi-fi routers, microwave ovens, Bluetooth connection devices, or other cell phones are competing sources of signals that can mask one another. When you place your phone in close proximity to a router or even a microwave, the signal is likely to distort, thereby compromising the connectivity and signal strength.

Keep your phone away from those devices that emit strong signals as it may damage the phone. Except for the aforementioned devices, Bluetooth connections should be avoided whenever they are not in use.

6. Extreme Weather Condition

Have you ever experienced disconnections and call drop phenomena more than usual in wet seasons or thunderstorms? You're not losing sanity. Today's networks have been designed to be resilient to the damaging effects of thunder. However, no one designs one that can stand the day of a heavy rainy, foggy, or snowy weather.

Those weather events dampen or attenuate the quality and intensity of the incoming signal making it difficult to maintain a connection. Although weather effects remain uncontrollable, measures like installation of signal boosters will help in mitigating adverse weather conditions when embedded signals are retained.

When outside in bad weather, try to go indoors in order to have less effect on your signal. Worse comes to worst you might have to wait for the storm to pass before signal can be obtained.

7. Other Things to Cover

The use of an old mobile phone or outdated firmware is likely to result in discoloration and problems with ability to make calls or connect with handmade makers and query them. If everything seems perfect but there is still no signal check with the carrier if the cell is properly staffed. If the increase is relevant, you may need to move to 4G or 5G for a higher reliable connection.

Correlate Trouble with Piercing Device Range Bandwidth Oscillator Capacities Carriers of last mile connectivity services cause the clicking incoming phone problems.

It could also be your carrier's fault where the case with regards to poor connectivity falls. All carriers are not created good and some will certainly work towards the level of provision and reliability that would desire. Your provider may as well have frequent drops in service that make it hard or almost impossible to connect.

If all goes well and then suddenly it becomes a problem, consult the connectivity provider. If the area acts as a blind spot, it could mean that the only recourse would be changing one’s provider. But in general that provider has very poor coverage in your area where do you go now? Look for one that has a good infrastructure in the area you are located.

8. Phone Settings

Don’t be surprised that your phone settings can sometimes take you unaware. For each one it is quite easy to accidentally switch on airplane mode, which would make your phone unable to connect to the signal. Also, power saving and other modes can also alter that connection. For example, for a while, turning off your phone may erase those issues and create signaling where connection can make sense again.

Unless needed, those power-saving options should be disabled since they would only add noise to the signal and not help it anyway. There may also be need to periodically check your phone settings to prevent interference to signal transmission.

9. Consider a Cell Phone Signal Booster

There are other situations that would slow down your connection speed or ones that would make you fail to access such a signal. Distance limitation from the nearest cell tower tends to be the most common issue but a number of others come into play as well. Some people experience persistent connectivity issues due to poor service from the carrier or even using outdated phones.

When any of those situations are starting to become a problem, some detective work is required. In many situations, your carrier should be the first person whose help you seek. Cell phone signal booster is a smart glass for cell phones where the distance and weak signal situation arises.
