Web Design

Top 7 App Development Tools You Should Be Using

Mobile application development tools are software designed to help build mobile apps. Developing a mobile application could be accomplished in several ways. For instance, there are native mobile app development tools as well as cross-platform mobile application development tools.

In this article, we will talk about seven top app development tools that you should consider incorporating into your workflow:

What are Mobile App Development Tools?

Regardless of one’s role in an app development agency, knowing some of the most popular development tools help boost the output. Moreover, learning about these tools could be valuable for one’s career. To build apps that users will love, developers should make the most of their time.

The right tool could help any developer achieve success. These days, the importance of mobile application development tools could not be stressed more. These tools could create a big difference in terms of the project's cost and how it evolves.

The Best App Development Tools to Use

Check out the top mobile app development tools to build your dream app.

1. React Native

A popular framework that’s JavaScript-based. It’s distinguished by its ability to help in simultaneous app development for both Android and iOS. Launched in 2015 by Facebook, it continues to grow stronger and stronger. Furthermore, it’s been used by top brands, which proves its authenticity as one of the top development tools these days.

Why React Native?

    • Reusable React hooks, stage management, and component logic

    • A growing community of app developers from esteemed organizations

    • Supported by live and hot reloading functionality to help execute changes in code in real time

    • Excellent third-party integration that supports JavaScript modules and Native modules integration as well as libraries

    • Provides developers the ability to stay UI-focused during development

2. Flutter

An open-source software development kit, Flutter was developed by Google. The tool satisfies the needs of huge corporations due to its speed, affordability, and extensive feature set. Furthermore, it integrates into the startup environment seamlessly. The same as React Native, Flutter helps in building apps for Android and iOS simultaneously and is one of the most used development tools by developers.

Why Flutter?

    • The unique Hot reload feature lets developers render changes rapidly

    • Could root out bugs in the development cycle itself

    • Developers have backend support from Google Firebase, which reinforces confidence to build scalable apps

    • Enables you to leverage existing Java, Swift, and Objective-C codes to access native functionalities

    • Could develop and adjust complex widgets as per the app’s needs

3. Xamarin

When it comes to building native apps, Xamarin is incomparable. Being a Microsoft product, you can be sure that it will always be safe from unexpected service termination, technology updates, and critical security risks. The app development tool is used by over 1.4 million developers, meaning that talent scarcity will not be a problem.

Why Xamarin?

    • Easy coding with platform-specific IntelliSense

    • Deep linking and app indexing

    • Mono framework exposes 100 percent of the native APIs for full use of the device capabilities

    • Ability to build shared libraries that are high-performing

    • Easy build, test, deploy, and repeat cycle using C++

4. jQuery Mobile

An HTML5-based UI system built on jQuery. It provides an array of UI features and elements that are specifically for mobile applications. jQuery is the tool that you should undoubtedly use to develop cutting-edge apps for mobile and tablets.

Why jQuery?

    • Ajax helps in resolving complex big code structures into lesser code lines

    • Provides excellent support to high-end and less capable devices

    • Developers could build the entire app interfaces in HTML with little to no JavaScript code

    • Has a lot of touch-friendly and simply styled form elements

    • Apps are accessible over a huge array of browsers and devices

5. Onsen UI

Onsen UI is the go-to tool when building Progressive Web Apps and hybrid mobile apps. As the name implies, it houses a wide array of UI components particularly for mobile devices. What’s great about Onsen is that developers have the independence to create apps with or without JavaScript. Its framework-agnostic character makes the tool a favorite among mobile app developers.

Why Onsen UI?

    • Could be easily set up since it’s based on CSS, HTML, and JS

    • Has an easy learning track that could make developers pick it up fast

    • UI elements that are ready-to-use and easy to implement, such as side menus, tabs, lists, toolbar, and so on

    • Excellent command-line tools support, which helps create hybrid apps

    • Supports React, AngularJS, jQuery, and Vue integration

6. Ionic

Ionic is widely used because of its being a complete open-source SDK. It’s used to build hybrid apps with HTML5, CSS, and SASS-like technologies. When building a mobile app with Ionic, developers could send the release update to the users directly.

With the tool, automating app delivery is easier. Furthermore, developers could deploy features and fixes seamlessly to boost the speed of development.

Why Ionic?

    • Could automate workflow, from native binary builds to Quality Assurance

    • Could create native app binaries in the cloud

    • Deliver bug fixes, updates, and content changes without requiring MDL approval or app store approval

    • Could automate tasks with pre-built workflows and industry-specific defaults

    • Shared, central dashboard with live activity feeds

7. Sencha Ext JS

For fast mobile app development, Sencha is the best tool. Furthermore, it’s ideal for creating a native app that’s compatible with the latest Android and iOS versions. It’s one of the most suitable app development tools to create enterprise apps.

As an MVC-based framework of JavaScript, it enables developers to use it through a touch of fingertips, which helps in boosting the app’s responsiveness. It could be used for Android and iOS apps by HTML mobile app developers who are well-versed in Sencha.

Why Sencha?

    • UI widgets for toolbars, menus, and lists that are commercially supported

    • Has over 115 fully supported components, which could be integrated with an array of frameworks, like Angular, for instance

    • Single code paradigm across components

    • Minimize dependencies of different versions and libraries

    • End-to-end Ext JS testing solution


Choosing a mobile app development tool from a plethora of choices could be difficult. So, before you decide, make sure to create a set of requirements and compare it with the features of the tools you have in mind.

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