
How to learn programming language fast in 2021?

If you are thinking of learning programming, then it will be the best choice you will ever make. Programming is an essential skill today. Every other firm and company is looking out for programmers. Either beginner or Advanced. The question is How to learn programming language fast?

Programming or coding is like any other skill. It takes time and hard work to be good at it. The more you put your mind into coding, the sooner you will learn it. It's up to you how willing are you.

Want to know how to become a programmer. Then keep reading you will find the answer.

How to learn a programming language fast?

Computer programming is learning a language and creating algorithms. For making commands for computers to perform different actions. In other words, they are solving different problems by sets of executable programs.

how long does it take to learn a programming language? That really depends upon how much time you can put into it. Like any other languages, computer languages are also impossible to learn full. The good news is you don't have to learn the whole language to be a computer programmer. You only need to learn the basics for getting started.

10 Tips on how to learn programming language fast:-

1. Choose Your Language

This is the most crucial part of the process of learning to code. When I say about choosing a language. That doesn't mean you choose the new language which is trending or because of its demands. It means the language which you like the most.

This is important because a time will come when you will be exhausted. Make sure to get enough information about the language. So whatever language you choose, you have to stick to it in the long run. Never keep changing the programming languages.

If you want to learn a different language later on. Then master one language first before switching to another. That way it becomes easier to learn a new language. It is good to start with a simple language. The c programming language is great, to begin with.

2. Get your resources

Resources are everything that helps you learn to code. It can be books or courses. I don't recommend you buy different books and courses. There are lots of free resources to help you learn languages. Use websites like codeacademy, Guru99, and freecodecamp.

Search for recommended books and courses in coding blogs. It's up to you how much can you invest in learning. But always remember it is optional. You should start with the free courses first, later on, go for premium ones.

If you have learned programming languages in your academics. Then you don't have to spend a dime. But if you never had any prior knowledge. You should buy textbooks for better understanding. Keep an eye on the best free online programming courses.

3. Setup an Environment

Having a good laptop or PC is mandatory. Which means a computer with good running condition and internet connectivity. If you want to write code online. Also, Install the program you like to learn. Use industry-standard code editors and browsers.

It is vital to keep your computer screen's retina friendly by setting up the right resolution. And using low-level colors and bigger text sizes for your editors. Because you are going to watch your screen for many hours.

Make sure you have everything you need before starting to code. Good practice will be to use an external keyboard instead of a laptop keyboard.

4. Start with the basic

Start with learning the programming basics, which means learning the simple things. It's always a good practice to learn the theory along with practical knowledge. Write the small snippet of codes referred to in the courses and books. Try out running and debugging your codes. Don't go for programming tricks when you are just starting.

To get familiar with the language and how it works. It is good to use an editor with no auto-complete enabled. They make you lazy and will make your muscle memory weak. It is useful to type out every letter and word.

Learn about the strings, arrays, loops. You should know how to use comments and proper documentation. Use enough spaces to keep your codes clean and readable. By now you should know the basics of programming language. This is how to improve programming skills for beginners.

5. Get the concepts

Concepts are the central part of programming. Learn programming logic and techniques about functions, structures, constructors. Compiler after the basics. These are more advanced topics that you need to cover. It's all about understanding the programming logic and techniques.

Take a small program and analyze what it does and how it does that. In this way you will improve with every program you write and run. Another handy tip will be to learn the keyboard shortcuts and use cheat sheets.

Later on, your concept will be strong. And you will be able to write an algorithm whenever a question pops in your head. When you have mastered this part

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6. Practice & Practice

The practice is critical when it comes to programming. This part is about getting your hands dirty. Practice as much as you can. The more you do, the better. There is no specific time frame for how long will it take to learn languages.

It varies from person to person; some grasp it faster than others. But being consistent is also required along with practice. Make it your hobby or passion. To code daily, at least for an hour or two.

Put up a daily goal to write five programs etc. or make a target of 100 programs covering all topics. The practice is only fruitful when you do it right. Never practice doing the wrong methods before it becomes a habit.

7. Test yourself

It is time to put yourself to the test. There are many places where you can test your programming techniques. The test is based upon your code and time duration. A great example of this type of website is Pskills.

You can also test yourself offline on your computer. By writing different codes at a specific time. This test aims to check your aptitude. Don't worry if you fail the first time, keep doing, and learn from your mistakes.

Some websites also offer different certifications for this type of test. It is good to have a certificate in your programming portfolio.

8. Build projects

Start building projects it doesn't have to be a massive SAAS project. Start from something small and start testing it on different platforms. Make a portfolio online and showcase your work. As you start doing, you will be more confident. Work with different frameworks as you grow.

Jumpstart to build large projects. Next thing you know that you a good at that language. It's as simple as that. Make at least 5 projects that you can show to anyone if necessary. It will be an add-on to your resume.

Make sure to keep it open source when you are starting to build projects. Later on, you need to learn about different license and their uses. And then you are ready to build commercial projects.

9. Join Communities

Start connecting with people like you. You can look out for different forums, blogs, groups, and social media platforms. The best part about joining communities that there are many experts out there.

They can help you, and you can also help some if you can. It builds a relationship between your peers. This way, you can even learn from them and clarify your doubts. You can even go further and collaborate with them.

It also motivates you when you see so many folks like you. No need to get into a membership forum that asks you for subscriptions. If you want, you can use its optional.

10. Explore

Surf the internet and explore what's trending and popular. What type of projects is trending build using your language? Check other programmers and see what are they up to and learn from them.

Don't copy others but be inspired by others. Decide for yourself what are you going to do with your coding career. If you want to be hired, then build a resume and start applying for the job listings. Or you can also work as a freelancer.

You can also start your startup. If you have an idea in your mind, you can make the team or start alone and pursue a career as an entrepreneur.

Final Words

It is always great to have a mentor for learning anything. Same with programming, you should have someone to look up to. Who has gone down the same path and follow in their footsteps? Everything you need to know I have listed them. So now you know how to learn programming language fast. Still, if there is something that I have missed, then let me know in the comments. And do share this article if you found it useful.
