
How To Check the Percentage Of Plagiarism?

Checking for plagiarism has many benefits before submitting assignments or blog content. But how exactly can you do it? Assignments with plagiarism are bound to cause the writer or student trouble. For a teacher, it means equal headaches. That's why it's crucial to find the percentage of plagiarism in an assignment.

Today, we will look at the benefits of checking for plagiarism and how you can check for the percentage of duplicity in your assignment. So, let's dive right in. 

Defining Plagiarism: What Is The Percentage Of Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when someone uses another person's work and claims it as their own. The word "plagiarize" comes from the Latin word "plagiarius," which means thief or kidnapper. It's important to note that plagiarism isn't the term only for copying or stealing someone else's words.

Instead, it also refers to copying or stealing someone else's ideas, images, and other forms of intellectual property. There are many different ways in which you can commit plagiarism:

  1. Copying large sections of text from an article or book without giving credit to the original author;
  2. Copying a sentence from one source and then paraphrasing it in your own words without giving credit to the original author;
  3. Using someone else's idea without giving credit to them;
  4. Cutting and pasting a sentence from one website into another without giving credit;
  5. Pretending that you have written something that you have not written.

The percentage of plagiarism is the existence of plagiarism within a written text. So, if 100-words in a 1000-words essay are plagiarized, that means 10% of that text is plagiarized. 

Why Is Checking Plagiarism Important Before Submitting? 

Checking plagiarism is one of the critical aspects of submitting an article. Here's why:

1. To Rewrite Efficiently

Understanding how much you need to rewrite is essential in avoiding plagiarism. Before you rewrite the plagiarized text, it's crucial to find the amount of copied or duplicated text. So, checking for plagiarism allows you to do just that. 

2. To Decide Whether To Remove Or Paraphrase

If your text has plagiarism only in a minor amount, then you can remove it. But, if the plagiarism is more than 50-words or so, you can paraphrase it. 

But, to understand which way to take it, you need to figure out the exact number of plagiarized words—and checking the plagiarism percentage helps you do that efficiently. 

3. To Find The Source 

The next benefit of checking for plagiarism is finding the source. Citing the source is a vital step in paraphrasing and removing plagiarism efficiently. That's why you need a plagiarism checker that allows you to find the original content source so you can quote or cite the author. 

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3 Steps To Check the Percentage Of Plagiarism In An Assignment?

Checking for plagiarism requires you to use a plagiarism checker before analyzing the percentage or finding the source. So, let's talk through it step-by-step. 

1. Search for a plagiarism checker 

The first thing you're going to do is find a plagiarism checker. This plagiarism checker needs to be efficient in finding plagiarism. So, something reputable is preferred. Keeping a specific mindset when looking for a plagiarism checker would be best. 

plagiarism checker

How exactly do you do that? Find something that offers:

  1. The limit of 1000-words at least;
  2. Allows you to upload or copy and paste the content; 
  3. Quick checking option;
  4. Allows you to cite the source, so it doesn't check that;
  5. Compares the text
  6. And most importantly, it shows the percentage of plagiarism.

You can copy content from any website or blog and check it in a plagiarism checker to test its abilities. If the plagiarism checker is efficient, try using your content next time. 

unique content

2. Analyzing Percentage 

This is the step where you can analyze the percentage of plagiarism. However, it's essential to understand that a viable tool will allow you to explore the percentage in both cases. For instance:

  1. Percentage of unique content/original content 
  2. Percentage of plagiarized/duplicated content

That's why finding a tool that allows you to analyze it in both cases is crucial. So, when you find such a tool, you'll be able to analyze it like this:

Unique Content:

checker tool

Plagiarized Content:

unique content

As you can see in both instances, the plagiarism checker helps you find whether your content has plagiarism or not. In unique content, there's no source, as the content is 100% original. In plagiarized content, each button works because of various or singular plagiarism sources.

On top of that, comparing is a lot easier in plagiarized text, as all you need to do is click on the "compare" button to check it, like this: 

plagiarized content

This is important in rewriting, as it allows you to understand how to paraphrase or rewrite so you don't match the original content again. Besides that, it's the final step in the citation, as you can find the source using this method.

However, this particular comparison is significant because you can see how your content matches the original. Then, making changes in your assignment accordingly becomes a lot easier.

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3. Locating The Source

The final step for you to take in this process is to locate the source. There are two ways of finding the source in a plagiarism checker. The first one is to compare the text, as seen before. Or the second one is to check the matched URLs—this depends on the plagiarism checker you're using. 

So, you can compare the text and find the source like this:


Or, you can go to the matched/detector URL section to see the original source like this:

assignment writing

Either of these cases allows you to find the source of plagiarism and cite it in your content to avoid it. So, this point further proves the importance of checking for plagiarism before submitting the assignment. 


Not only do you need a viable plagiarism checker, but you also need something that allows you to compare the text and find the source. Once you find such a plagiarism finder, these are the three main steps of checking for plagiarism percentage in your assignment before submitting it. 

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