
Article writing template for blogs and Websites

What is an article writing template? Good Question let's find out the answer. Blogging is all about writing content. there are thousands of content shared on the Internet every day. it is hard to make sure your content stands out.

It is necessary to know sorry that what is the purpose of the content of your blog. Or what problem is the article solving? After that understanding what type of content structure we have to choose in order to write such an article.

Why article writing template?

When someone starts blogging, they have a hard time finding out how to structure a blog post the right way. Which results in less engagement with the visitors and a higher Bounce rate. So it is important to write such a piece of content that can be read by your target demographic of the audience. Set a layout of your article before so when you are trying to write. You don't have to worry about what to write.

How to structure a blog articles

It is important to understand the structure of your blog post. Basically breaking down the article into five parts. This will give us an idea of how to write a blog post. And overcome the problem of writer's block so we don't have to think about what goes where.


The introduction is a very important part of the blog post. It helps readers understand the article and also engage with the author. In the introduction section, you have to clearly mention the topic of the article. And why readers should read this article. How will they be benefited if they do Such and such? You need to be precise about the topic that you are going to discuss in the article.

Do not talk about anything else that might distract the reader away from the page. Also, you don't need to exaggerate the topic.  The introduction part does not need to be extremely long. It can be up to two three paragraphs that are more than enough.

Don't think about your keywords right at this point. You can add those during the final draft. It is crucial to remember that this is the place that your readers will read first.  Never be in a hurry to write this part.


The second part of the article.  It is the place to talk about the problem.  Explaining the reasons why this problem occurs. How this problem can affect the reader.  What are the reasons they should do something about the problem?

While keeping the reader engaged with the article.  Giving more and more reasons why they should keep on reading.  You get the idea of what I am saying.


This is the part where are you should start talking about the solution.  It is the most lengthy part of the article.   Basically talking about all the ways to solve a problem.  You can use lots of images or videos to explain the solution.  Also, refer to the resource that can be helpful to the reader.

You can use lots of relevant data, research, and surveys, etc.  To  Support your solution or back up what you are saying.  That way readers can trust you with your solution.  It is also the place where you can show your expertise about a certain topic or subject

4.Call to Action

After you have done giving your solution.  Now that you have built a relationship with your users.  It's time to tell the readers what to do next.  It can be subscribing to your email list.

Buying a course or services or just refer them to any different article on the page in your blog.  It is necessary to add a call to action to each and every post in your blog.  To have good user engagement. It also helps in link building in terms of SEO.


The last part of the article is the conclusion, Final thoughts, or any other synonyms.  It just has to be a single paragraph.  You can write anything short and simple.  Telling them to share your articles on social media or asking them to comment on your article.  Stuff like that.

Elements of the article writing template:

Index or Table of contents

It is just like a textbook where you see the table of contents at the beginning. To help the reader out that they can easily navigate to the part they are looking for. So they can save some time.

There are plenty of WordPress plugins out there that can help you with this. So you don't have to worry about adding them manually to all the articles in your blog.


No one likes to read long paragraphs of text. Make sure to make smaller paragraphs up to 2-3 lines. Do not use too many big words as well. The reason I mention adding two three lines of text because once your web pages are open in the mobile version.

Then the paragraph appears bigger in the mobile version which is not a good user experience.

Titles and subtitles

Use many titles as possible because many readers don't read through the whole text of the article but they like to scan. You can also use headings and sub-headings to optimize your content with the right keywords or synonyms.

Titles play an important role in making your pages appear on the front page of the search engines. Use it more often and efficiently


Adding a little image here and there in your article can make your article more appealing. And readers are more likely to read through your articles. It can be done using any type of media such as audio, video, images, gif, anything.

That way your readers can also take a pause when they are going through the paragraph. But it is also vital that you optimize your images so that it does not affect the page load speed.


It is a more reader-friendly element in an article. You can use bullet points or number points. Both are great. But you can also use different types of icons and make it more interesting for your readers.

It helps in listing sentences for short text. For example, you can see the blog


It is a highlighted part of the article. Which you want to be standing out from the rest of the article. It can be done with different background colors or in a different font. Similar to the pull quote.

In other words, a piece of text where you want to add more emphasis. And make sure your reader reads it.


You can add a Schema markup inside your article. So that Google can show it in the rich snippets section.  Search engines tend to like the web pages using a schema markup inside it. It increases your Impressions, as well as click-through rate

you can do it manually, are you can use unplugging instead. If you are writing about reviewing any product or service then this can really come in handy.  There are plenty of Schema markups available that you can use in your blog posts.

Must Read

Blog article examples

  1.  List-based articles
  2.  How to guides
  3.  Story-based articles
  4.  Roundup articles
  5.  Checklist articles
  6.  Infographics

Final thoughts

 I hope you like this article about the article writing template. These are the things I have let down in the article that will make your blog post perfect. Make sure to use these tips the next time you hit the publish button.

I have also included an infographic about how to structure your articles. Another thing if you really like this article and found it helpful then do share it on social media and support the blog. Peace

article writing template
